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Austin McFarland

Executive Director

Through 21st century, culturally and socially relevant musical and entrepreneurial education, I strive to guide and empower people on their path of artistic discovery as they create and connect with their communities.

The goal is not simply to ‘work hard, play hard.’ The goal is to make our work and play indistinguishable. - Simon Sinek

As a Teaching Artist, self-proclaimed "Musicprenuer," and multi-instrumentalist, I, Austin McFarland, currently maintain an active portfolio career based in Northwest Arkansas. With over a decade of experience teaching and working with young musicians, I am the go-to guy for all things single reeds. I maintain a private studio of multi-generational clarinet and saxophone students, in addition to adjunct teaching with the Springdale Public School District and Northwest Arkansas Community College.

But that's not all! I also have over 10 years of experience working in business management, operations, marketing, and sales, and entrepreneurship. In addition to my role as Executive Director of New Works Project, I serve as the Midwest/Southern Sales Manager for B. Corbin Clarinet Products, and Founded The Musicpreneur Space, a venture aimed at helping artists build, operate, and manage their own careers. I'm like a one-man band, except instead of playing multiple instruments at once, I'm juggling multiple careers at once. The world is just a giant play ground, so let’s play!

As a performer, I have held regular seats with local and regional orchestras, as well regional theatre troupes. Recent solo performances include a residency at Northwestern State University, and National Anthem soloist at the 2023 National Junior College Division I Men’s Basketball Championship game. As a chamber musician I am founding member of Cynical Duo - a single reed ensemble aimed at increasing access to woodwind duo music at all levels. Recent duo performances include - 2021 North American Saxophone Alliance (NASA) Region 4 Conference, 2020 NASA Biennial Conference, 2019 Bikes, Blues, & Barbecue.

As my way of giving back to my communities I currently serve as the marketing administrator in charge of communications for the North American Saxophone Alliance. When I'm not busy playing in the music world you can find me spending time with family, friends, or at any number of events around Northwest Arkansas.

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